Cox Enterprises Intranet User Research Study

UX Research / Qualitative Research/Quantitative Research functions as Cox Enterprises' intranet, serving employees across all divisions. The primary objective of the research was to understand the usage patterns of Cox employees on and gauge their sentiments regarding the current navigation system. To improve the site's navigation, the Human-Centered Design and Corporate Communications teams worked together to collect feedback from Cox employees. This user input played a pivotal role in the thoughtful redesign process of the site.

Key Findings of the Card Sorting Activity

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Stakeholder read out and  ux suggestions

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Consolidated Discussion Points
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apps-sharp is the intranet of the Cox division, Cox Enterprises. The site is for Cox employees across all divisions. Company News, Employees Resources, and Career Journey are some of the major categories of the original site map.

Project Overview
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The Corporate Communications team required insights into the current layout and navigation of, the main intranet for Cox Enterprises. They were contemplating a redesign of the site but wanted substantial user feedback before progressing with the redesign through a third-party vendor.

The Problem:

Gather insights on employees' anticipated information organization and grouping within's navigation.
Document employees' proposed categorization and labeling of menu items to facilitate easy content retrieval.
Identify elements causing confusion in the current navigation system.
Determine the reasons behind employees' current visits to
Explore potential enhancements that could increase future visits to the platform.

The Goal:

Create and implement a research plan of indept qualitative and quantitative user research of the Cox employees from all divisions for the Intranet. Research methods used were, Interviewing, Card Sorting,  and Tree Testing, to improve the navigation of

My Responsibilities:
Lead UX Researcher
My Role:
Project Duratiation:
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September 2022 - October 2022

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Reach out to randomly selected people from all divisions to opt-in

Unmoderated test sent to ~85% of opt-ins

Moderated tests and interviews scheduled with ~15% of opt-ins

Compile & analyze results of card sort and survey questions (mod and unmod)

Finalize and share out results

Common reasons for visiting

I aggregated information from the survey question, "What are your typical reasons for visiting", and generated data visualizations in the form of graphs to present to the stakeholders. The initial graph incorporated data from all divisions, while the subsequent graph delineated data from each division individually.

Key Insights of Surveys and Interviews

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Common Reasons for Visiting

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Key insights on the navigation

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Key insights on the ease of use of the navigation

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Key insights on the look and feel of the navigation

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Setting up the Card Sorting Activity

Overview of Participants
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Not all menu items were in the card sort due to volume and number of cards needed to identify patterns.

42 out of 96
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Mapping a Research Plan
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Overview of Target Audience
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Defining the Card Sorting  Activity

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Unmoderated and Moderated Research Plan

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Initially, I devised a research plan for conducting the user research study. Subsequently, I assembled a focus group comprising volunteers, dividing it into two segments: unmoderated testers, constituting about 85%, and moderated testers, roughly 15% of the group. The unmoderated testers were aimed at collecting quantitative data, while the moderated testers were designated for gathering qualitative insights. The primary objective of this study was twofold: pinpointing the existing navigation pain points and elucidating the motivations driving users to visit the site.

I started by recreating the current site map of and chose the menu items to include in our card sorting activity. We added a mixture of primary and secondary categories, along with various menu items.

We added a mixture of primary and secondary categories, along with various menu items.

Open Card Sorting Activity

Using the User Testing application, participants were asked to preform a card sorting test with various cards from the navigation.
Participants sorted cards into groups that made the most sense to them, then named the groups.

Unmoderated Test Plan

We created a survey via MS forms to conduct the unmoderated test. The purpose was to gather more insight into the participants without speaking to them.
With this approach, we were able to gain volume in the amount of participants without strain.

Moderated Test Plan

We created a survey via MS forms to conduct the unmoderated test. The purpose was to gather more insight into the participants without speaking to them.
With this approach, we were able to gain volume in the amount of participants without strain.

What are your common reasons for visiting
What do you think about the current navigation menu on
Is there anything that confuses you about the navigation on Why?
If you had a magic wand, how would you improve the navigation on

1. Survey

These Questions were similar to the survey general questions. However we added the following for further insight: 
Describe the work you do at Cox?
How long have you been at Cox?
Do you use other intranets and how does it compare to


Card Sorting Activity and Follow Up

We asked participants to visit the website and share their screen.
We then asked participants to analyze the navigation bar and vocalize what they thought about it.

We gave participants the exact same card sorting activity we gave to the unmoderated testing group.
We asked they continue to share their screen and voice their thought process aloud as they completed the activity.
We asked the same follow up questions as we did in the unmoderated card sorting activity.

Screen Share with Speak Aloud Testing

2. Card Sorting Activity
Blank Board and Cards

Drag and drop cards into Groups then label the groups

Reached out via email to randomly selected Cox employees from all divisions.

Unmoderated test participants
CEI: 7
CCI: 7
CAI: 4
CEI: 2
CCI: 3
CAI: 1
Moderated test participants

Initially opted-in to participate in the research study

Unmoderated test sent to ~85% of opt-ins

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Thank You!

Thank you for your time of reviewing my work of the UX research study on the intranet! If you’d like to see more or get in touch, my contact information is provided below.

Let’s Get In Touch!
Download Resume

Designed from scratch, Made with ♥️ Love,  By Kerah Jones

Kerah Jones UX Designs 2021

2 5641582

Available for questions, collaborations, projects, and coffee.

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Where do we go from here?

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UX suggestions for the stakeholder’s next steps.

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Research methods for continued research

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Research methods for continued research

Due to the limited time allocated for UX research, only a select few methods were utilized. However, if additional time were available, I have outlined several additional methods for stakeholders to consider for further evaluation of the navigation in the future.

Use tree testing to evaluate the effectiveness of the new navigation structure. Test how easily users can find specific items or complete tasks within the proposed navigation hierarchy.

Tree Testing

Implement A/B testing to compare different versions of the navigation. This method helps in quantitatively measuring which design performs better in terms of user engagement and task completion.

A/B Testing

Analyze existing user data and heatmaps to understand how users currently interact with the navigation. Identify areas of high engagement or drop-offs to inform the redesign.

Heatmaps and Analytics

Conduct usability tests with prototypes or wireframes of the redesigned navigation to observe how users navigate through the new structure. This provides direct feedback on the usability and effectiveness of the new design.

Usability Testing