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Designed from scratch, Made with ♥️ Love,  By Kerah Jones

Kerah Jones UX Designs 2021

2 5641582

Available for questions, collaborations, projects, and coffee.

Chase Davinci Photography

UX + UI / Visual Design/ Redesign

A website redesign for Chase Divinchi photography portfolio and booking. I redeisnged the orginal website to make it more user friendly to potential clients that will increase revene for the business.

Chase DaVinci

Chase Davinci is a photographer who previously had a website in which showcased his work, however potential clients had trouble navigating the site and found it to be confusing. The redesign of this site would improve the user expereince in which would result in more sales. The redesign will also have a visual element that will add depth to the design, attract users to the photographers pictures easier, and intise users to stay on the site for longer which usually results in more sales.

Product Overview
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The original website was not user friendly, did not showcase the photographer’s work correctly, and lacked interactive, visual, and user experience designs.

The Problem:
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August 2021

Redesign a website that has a user flow that will help generate more sales.

The Goal:

Lead UX / UI Designer, Visual Designer

My Role:

Paper and digital wireframing, low and high- fidelity prototyping, conduct usability studies, accounting for accessibility, and interacting on designs.

My Responsibilities:
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Analyzing the Orignial Design
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Original Site Map
Original Usability Testing
Original User Pain Points
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Original Site Mockups
Chase DaVinci
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Pain Points:
Original Site Design Issues:

I started by conducting a research using the original website with people who were interested in booking a photographer. I recorded what they liked and disliked about the site. From this I was able to understand the user pain points for insignt into improving the design, which will improve the user experience.

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The original website design did not have good flow.

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Users want to be able to connect with the photographer so they feel comfortable booking shoots.

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Book Session

Users want to be able to book a session through the website that has a calendar on when the photographer is avaliable.

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Porfolio hard to find

The portfolio was hard to find for most users becasue it was hidden behind a separate nonuseful page.

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Original Site Usability Testing:
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Home Page

The home page consisted of one image and a title acting as a splash page.

Issue: There was  no call to action button that is typically seen on a landing page/splash page.

Portfolio Page

The portfolio page consisted of another splash page that had a enter button, that would pull up the portfolio.

Issue: The enter button was a uneccessary step to enter the portfolio. Users often thought pictures were not loading when on this page, which could cause users to never find the portfolio.

Contact Page

The contact page consisted of a form and instagram feed.

Issue: There was no Instagram link or name to get to the  Instagram page.

Booking Page

The booking page has service cards, however when the “BOOK NOW” was clicked, the contact page would appear.

Issue: When the contact page would appear after clicking the “BOOK NOW”  button, this would make the button irrelevant, because user were not able to actually book a appointment.

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Understanding the User
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Problem Statements
Revised Site Map
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After the original site usability research, I recorded what they liked and disliked the site. From this I developed user personas, a revised site map, and user journey map.

User Personas:

“I need a phtographer who understands my brand and allows me to book online.”

Cilya is a aspiring model who mostly post pictures through instagram. She wants more of professional pictures other than just having regular selfies. The type of style she wants her pictures are dark with colorful lighting. This matches her page and brand. She begins her search online for a phtographer, but found it difficult to navigate their website and book a shoot for a particular day, because she is a busy influencer.

Problem Statement:
Age: 21

Occupation: Influencer and Aspiring Model

Cilya is a aspiring model who needs a photographer with calendar of times she can boom through their website, because she is a busy influencer who needs someone to work with her schedule.

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“I am shy infront of the camera, but I want professional graduation pictures.”

Mia is a recent medical school graduate who wants graduate pictures to be taken of her. Mia is very shy infront of the camera and needs a photographer who is understanding of her shyness. She is uncomfortable at first reaching out to photographers and is more comfortable reaching out online via email.

Problem Statement:
Age: 33
Occupation: Medical School Graduate

Mia is a recent graduate medical student, who needs a way to get to know a photographer and speak through email, becasue she is shy and is not photogenic.

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I redesigned the site map with the home page containing a lot of the main content users would search for first. I also broke down the portfolio to have categories, I also made the booking page link to the calendar and form with inital payments for deposits.

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Revised Site Map:
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Starting the Design
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Digital Wireframes
Low-fidelity Prototypes
Usability Studies
Digital Wireframes:

Once paper wireframes were completed, I had an understanding of the layout of the app. However during creating the digital wireframes, I did change some layouts to better fit the user’s needs.

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Home Page
Spalsh Page/Landing Page

This sections consist of a call to action, short description, and a easily accessible portfolio button.


For users who would like to scroll first, a sneak peak of portfolio is on home page.


Contact form is on home page for convience.


Instagram is at the bottom for those who are interested in following

Low-Fidelity Prototype:

Low - Fidelity Prototype

Once the digital wireframes were created, I created the low - fidelity prototype, in which connected the user flow for finding art and reading artist bios.

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Refining the Design
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High-Fidelity Prototype
Wireframe to Mockups:

This was the begining of the high-fidelity design with regards to the need changes that were found in the usability test.

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Original Site Map:

I mapped out the original site map to better see where the flow problem is in the original website.

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Adding this side menu breaks the portfolio into categories. The categories help clients relate to the style photoshoot they will book with the photographer.

Categories for Portfolio:
Before Usability Study
After Usability Study

I changed the landing page to have the services be next to the hero image. This helped users quickly find what is offered.

Landing Page:
Before Usability Study
After Usability Study
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Mockups & Prototype
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Splash Page
Service Page
Portfolio Page
Contact Page
Booking Page
High-Fidelity Prototype:
High - Fidelity Prototype

The final prototype presented a dynamic and inviting flow to enticed potential clients to book a shoot.

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